Saturday, August 05, 2006


Don't you just hate it when the bus you're waiting for comes damn late...
And when you don't wanna ride them , they're aplenty!

What I mean is that when I don't need them, there's many buses around...maybe it's just my mindset...

But that caused me to be late for 2 consecutive night classes...Thursday and Friday.

Thursday, I was a little down as I couldn't pluck up the courage to do 'that'...
You know....:)

I told myself, I must do it...
Seriously lah, I would have done it on Friday if she came!
She didn't come whole spirit went down the sewage pipe!
Then AH BOON, came and told me that she was around, she just went out of school to do her art thingy thngy...

And I freaking believed him!!!
And then he confessed that he lied, that whole process lasted about 5 secs...
Can you just imagine how my heart sank, yeah, I did!

I couldn't help but to spill tons of vulgarities into his ears!!!


My's been bothering me about her the whole damn week!!!

Btw, I did my English TA yesterday during night class and I've a good feeling about it....maybe even better scores than Diyana....hehehe:)

And there's this girl who's very keen on knowing who's that mystery she...wonder who she is?:)
Maybe I'll tell ya...sometime later...well, see ya...

So much for 'I strike tomorrow'
Maybe Monday...